Friday, August 8, 2008

Arthur Burk

Arthur Burks will make a guest star appearance at the next FKCM West Coast Believers Victory Convention. This might be hard to believe but he is more spiritual than Todd Brentley. Arthur Burk has in depth teaching about sound portals, upspouts, vibrating frequencies, ley lines, and a host of other discoveries.
Brother Burk's latest discovery is "fragrance portals" -- places where fragrances from heaven can penetrate the earth realm. You may have heard Bros. Todd Bentley and Bob "Geiser" Jones talk about bringing the smell of heaven (usually vanilla) down to earth. Well, partners, Master Burk and I am currently working on a plan to use these portals to raise money for my company the Kingdom of god. Hallelujah! Think of it, partners! A chain of my Christian restaurants across the country, each one built smack-dab on top of a fragrance portal. Think of the money blessing!

We'll also be searching for a money portal when Arthur comes and possibly an escape portal just in case Grassley comes up with anything on his investigation. So join us next week partners.

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