Also, Gloria is re-releasing her old book "Blessed Out of Your Freakin' Mind" with a new cover so get out there and pick up a copy, bless god.
You just won't be able to handle the anointed word of faith and healing she speaks in that book so get out to your local bookstore and pick yourself up a copy. Sleep with it under your pillow if you have to but get yourself under the anointing.
Moving on to Todd's bible question. Folks, if you don't know Todd Bentley you're missing out on a blessing. He's a man of god from the word go! I did read somewhere this morning that Todd was separating from his wife Shonna. And who can blame him? When you are moved by the spirit of god nothing, and you listen to me closely, NOTHING can hold you back bless god.
Now you listen to what the spirit is saying through me. Drop that old baggage Todd! You ARE a little god! Folks, Todd wants to know if there is anything specific in the Bible about the minimum age at which a little girl can marry. Todd, I can't think of a thing. As a son of the most high god you are called to liberty brother! LIVE under the anointing! You're a king's kid, Hallelujah!
As for the rest of you folks, if you've got questions, Gloria and I want you to feel free to ask. Whoa! Did I say "free?" Now, that's a word you won't hear me use very often. The Bible says you have not because you ask not. You want healing, deliverance, the manifestation of god's presence in your life? Just ASK! Bless god, you are the child of the KING! I'll see you at the convention!
Hello Kenny!
I would like to give you a few suggestions for your partners to get more blessings.
1. Each of them need to send $120.00 (one hundred and twently dollars) and they will get "upper room experience". But don't forget to remind that they need to confess that with their mouth otherwise the blessing will not be released!
2. Every 1st of January all partners need to send $365.00 (three hundred and sixty five dollars) and they will be given a faith promise for the whole year! They have to keep blabbing with their mouths until they grab.
Hope this helps!
In Faith,
You're giving me some real good ideas. Any change you'd come to work as my personal assistant?
I suggest spending some time in prayer and reading Romans 2:1-3 and Matthew 7:1-2.
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